Why is My Period Late? 10 Common Reasons - Pectiv
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10 reasons for Period Delay

Admin (PECTIV.com)

Usually, period delay is a serious matter of concern for every woman that isn’t prepared to be a mother. An unwanted pregnancy is the main idea that comes into a woman’s mind when her menstruation doesn’t manifest, but there are multiple reasons for delayed periods.

No matter the reason for the period delay, the specialists advice is to make an appointment to your gynecologist as soon as possible because menstrual cycle disturbances can hide precocious menopause or malignant disease of the genital tract.


Stress can affect many aspects of your life, including menstruation. Sometimes, the stress is so strong that your body decreases the hormone production involved in ovulation and menstrual cyclicity.

Certain disorders

An unexpected acute or chronic disease, can cause delay in your menstrual cycle. Luckily, when the disease is cured, this effect disappears.

Changes in your daily schedule

Some lifestyle changes such as moving to a country with different time frame or working in late night shifts can delay your periods.

Certain therapies and drugs

Some drugs or chemotherapy can be the cause for your delayed menstruation. It is important to discuss with your physician the side effects of any drugs prescribed for you.

Extra kilograms

Weight gain, especially abrupt, can determine changes in your hormonal balance and affect your fertility. Most women recover their menstrual cycle regularity as soon as they lose their excess weight.

Low weight

Anorexia nervosa or excessive weight loss in a short period of time lead to menstrual disturbances and can even stop you from menstruating. This is commonly among athletes and women that perform hard physical work. Progressive weight gain until a healthy body mass index (BMI) is the solution in this case.

Wrong calculations

The menstrual cycle length varies from one woman to another, and it is in average 28 days. Moreover, your menstrual cycle can be physiologically delayed up to 10 days from your expected menstrual date due to several health and lifestyle factors.


Pre-menopause is a period of transition to menopause, when your menstrual cycles stop completely. This period is marked by irregular menstrual cycles and reduced menstrual flow so that menstrual delays are a common phenomenon.


The menopause or the cessation of menstrual cycle, marks the end of reproductive capacity for women. The menopause can occur naturally or can be artificially induced by certain surgical interventions of chemotherapy. Chemotherapy induced menopause can be reversible.


Yes, if your menstruations don’t occur, this might be your answer. A simple blood or urine test optimally performed after 10-14 days of period delay can confirm or not a pregnancy.

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