COVID-19 Vaccines & Pregnancy: 7 Important Questions - Pectiv
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Covid-19 Vaccines and Pregnancy: 7 Important Questions

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Pregnancy is a magical time of one’s life, full of excitement and preparation for the young one to arrive. Mothers usually have many health concerns during pregnancy, from sports and activities to food and medicines. Recently, a new concern has been introduced: Covid-19 and covid-19 vaccination.

It’s normal to have doubts and questions, especially since any health decision during pregnancy can affect both the mother and child. So, let’s address 7 important questions about covid-19 vaccines during pregnancy one by one.

Question #1: Are COVID-19 vaccines safe during pregnancy?

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that all people over 6 months of age get covid-19 vaccination. This includes pregnant women, women who were recently pregnant, and those who plan to have children in the future. Booster shots are also recommended for these categories. 

In fact, studies show that covid-19 vaccination during pregnancy is both safe and effective. The vaccine does not pose any risk for health effects on the mother or baby.

Question #2: What are the risks if I choose not to receive covid-19 vaccination?

Before making a medical decision, it’s important to do all the necessary research. When it comes to covid-19, we know that pregnant women are more vulnerable to the illness. The data clearly shows that getting covid-19 during pregnancy can take a huge toll on the mom and baby. Health complications of contracting covid-19 while pregnant range from premature delivery to pregnancy loss. Death is also higher in pregnant women who have covid-19

Question #3: Covid-19 vaccination can’t prevent the illness 100%, why should I take it?

No vaccine is 100% effective, and people including pregnant women may still get Covid-19 after being vaccinated. However, vaccination makes you more immune to the virus. In other words, the illness would be milder and last for a shorter period of time if you are vaccinated.

Question #4: Can covid-19 vaccine cause birth defects in the baby?

There is no evidence that receiving COVID-19 vaccines during pregnancy increased the risk of birth defects in babies. To date, the data we have tells us that covid-19 vaccines do not harm the growing fetus. It’s safe to say that we can trust covid-19 vaccines on this matter.

Question #5: Can covid-19 vaccine cause a miscarriage?

Many pregnancies end in miscarriage. Actually, the rates of miscarriage are higher than you may think especially in the first trimester. But this has nothing to do with covid-19 vaccination. There’s no evidence that covid-19 vaccines increase the risk of miscarriage in pregnant women.

Question #6: I had covid-19 recently, should I take the vaccine?

If you’re a pregnant woman who recently contracted the virus and is now covid-free, you still need to get vaccinated. Getting covid-19 vaccine will boost your immunity against the virus regardless of whether or not you had covid-19 before, protecting you and your baby from many possible adverse health effects. 

Question #7: Can covid-19 vaccines affect fertility?  

The answer is a clear-cut no! Of all the vaccines humans have, none affects fertility. Covid vaccines don’t affect conception, the placenta or sperm. On the contrary, the virus itself may affect pregnancy and male fertility. Put simply, the vaccine will not affect your fertility, but rather protect it.  

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